Monday, January 26, 2015

No Transfer, but New Adentures

Hello all!

Well first, the part we all want to hear about... Transfers! I will be
staying here in Ojai, and Hermana Zarate will be going to Oxnard! My
new companion will be (wait for it) Hermana Miller! God really does
have a sense of humor. I am not sure how we are going to do this, but
it will be great. I am thinking maybe wearing thing 1 and thing 2
shirts all transfer. We will see. :) We are consolidating areas, too,
so instead of 2 sets of missionaries in Ojai, there will only be one,
and we will be covering the whole valley. We have both been insanely
busy lately, so these next few weeks are going to be an adventure,
trying to get everything figured out! Here we go! (p.s. even though I
am staying in Ojai, I will have a new address, you can get that from
my mom if you need it. Just a side note.)
My companion, everyone.
My cutie companion and I with some of our Christmas gifts :) The
things you do instead of packing…

Sometimes, Elder Jensen leaves behind his Canadian stuff, and we find it.

Other than that, this has been a pretty routine week. We have done a
TON of service, and had a few other weird things. I wish I could
remember it all right now, but I can't. I promise, I will try and get
better at this!

We did confetti eggs again this week. Always a blast!

I am excited for this new transfer and the new adventures that it will
bring. It is going to be a blast! Hopefully next week I will have a
lot of new, fun stories!

I love you all and am so grateful for all of the support and love you
show me. Time is going by so INSANELY fast! I can't believe it. I can
not wait to see what happens next!
Mi querida Hermana T. I love her so much!

The skies over Ojai

La Familia V. They are so much fun! :)

Stay awesome!

Hermana Courtney Miller

Monday, January 19, 2015

A Little Under the Weather, but Still a Good Week!

Helloo everyone!

So, I am sorry for the lameness of this post. I spent a good chunk of
my week sick with the flu/weird cold thing. So that is fun. NOT!
Hermana Zarate is about ready to run out screaming. I am doing better
now though. Modern medicine is a wonderful thing!

Alas, there is no rest for the weary, so we still worked a few days
this week. It was an awesome week too! We had a couple awesome lessons
with S, who is still doing well, and progressing. We love her so
much, she is just too cute.

Also, life lessons: When you show up for a dinner appointment in Ojai,
you never know what you are  going to get. This is this weeks
adventure! Such a gorgeous view!

I also spent some quality time playing with these crazy magnetic
things with my new best friend. He is 4. It was awesome.
It's a castle. Obviously. :)

Other than that though this week was just a lot of sleeping and
getting better. I wish there was more to report. Next week will be
better! I promise! I can't believe that it is the last week of the
transfer! These last few weeks have FLOWN by. I can't believe it. Time
will only tell what is in store for me next! Here we go!
Chipotle got deep.... I don't know how to handle it.

I love you all lots!

Stay awesome!

Hermana Courtney Miller

Monday, January 12, 2015

Miracles...and Benadryl

Hi everyone! I can't believe it is already Monday again!
I live in paradise.

The Ojai valley from the top! So pretty!

We had to scrape our car the other day.  Don't know how I feel about that.  I thought I was in California!

Ojai is awesome! We see so many insane miracles every week. I will try

and include a few. Our investigator F., is one of our miracles.

He was going to the Stake's Addiction Recovery Program meeting this

week, so we felt like we should go over the word of wisdom with him
first. He was okay with all of it, except for the coffee. It made for
a slightly awkward lesson. Nevertheless, we kept pushing on, and
finished the lesson. We always sing him a song at the end, so we did
as always, and during the song, he told us that God had spoken to his
heart, and had told him, "you idiot, you know the doctors told you to
stop drinking coffee." He took that as his sign from God that he
needed to stop. Such a cool miracle. Another miracle was last night
with Shirley. We had felt this week like we needed to review the
baptismal interview questions with her, so we went over those last
night. We were able to have a fun time, laugh a bit, and at the same
time discern what we need to review with her more. It was an awesome
experience. She is also learning right now to sign the Book of Mormon,
so she can understand it better. She is so awesome.

We had confetti eggs on New Years at District Meeting.  Here are a couple of pictures.

The Ojai elders, and a bunny.

So one fun story from this week. So, we had exchanges, and I was with

Hermana Costilla in Camarillo! It was so awesome! We had so much fun,

and got work done. That is, until dinner. Being in a new area, I
forgot to tell them that I didn't eat fish. And we got shrimp at
dinner. Don't worry, I didn't eat it! But it had been cooked with
everything else, and that still got me sick. Within 30 minutes, we
were running to Vons for Benadryl. It was awful. Sound vaguely
familiar? I swear, President is going to emergency transfer Hermana
Zarate and I. We are a wreck when it comes to allergies!

Had an awesome exchange with Hermana Costilla this week! (Pardon the

weird outfit.)

My lovely companion!!

Me. And a bunny!

Service really does open so many doors! The lady we have done a lot of

service for here in Ojai, Lys, told us this week that she would come

to church if I ever sang. So this week, when the music coordinator of
the ward called and asked if I could sing, I said yes! She came to
church yesterday, and really enjoyed it. The singing was a little
iffy. I just get so nervous. But hey! I did it!

I have loved this transfer so much. It is going by all too fast! I
love Ojai so much! I just wish time would slow down a bit!

I love you all so much!

Keep being awesome!

Hermana Courtney Miller

Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy New Year!

I pre-apologize. I was planning on a short post with a lot of
pictures. Aaaaannnnndddd, I forgot my camera. The struggle is real.

Ojai is great. Cold, but great. (We had to scrape a little bit of ice
off of our car before church yesterday. I didn't expect to encounter
that on my mission!) It has been a good, crazy, miracle filled week.
It felt like we were constantly going from one place to another, from
miracle to miracle. It has been incredible to see the Lord guide us in
his work. But, it has simultaneously left me completely brain dead.

New years was uneventful. We both fell asleep before 10:30. We woke up
to everyone banging pots and pans outside at midnight. That was about

We had interviews with President this week, which was really nice. He
did mention how fast time was flying. That has been a crazy thing this
week. It has almost been a year since I went into the MTC. Weird.

Anyway. I warned you this would be short. I am sorry. I love you all
so much and hope you had a wonderful New Years. God Bless.

Hermana Courtney Miller

Christmas Week and Christmas Day

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a verry Merry Christmas and will
have a happy New Year! I can't believe it is almost 2015! Where did
the time go?!

Anyway, a quick report from Ojai. It was an interesting week.
Christmas Eve Tea with Lys! (Someone we have been doing service with lately!)

We found the Griswold house. Casual.

This week, we accidentally were served a casserole that had cream of
mushroom soup in it. For any that didn't read last weeks post, Hermana
Zarate is horribly allergic. But this time, since she ate the actual
mushroom (just one bite) it was way worse. We ended up spending
Christmas Eve in the ER, getting her pumped full of Bennydril. It was
rough. She then had to be on Bennydril for the next 3 days, and then
it didn't wear off until this morning, so yeah. It has been a fun
week. And Hermana Zarate doesn't remember most of it! Which is a shame
because she said some REALLY funny things. (No worries though, I wrote
them all down!) But, because of that, we had a really sleepy week,
full of, well, a lot of sleeping.

(One pic is Hermana Zarate during our Christmas District Meeting, the
other is our Crepes and movie night last night. There is only so much
you can do in an apartment with a loopy companion.)

Other than that, we had a really happy Christmas. It was a lot of fun,
and awesome to get to talk to my family!
Christmas selfie

And my AWESOME blanket from my Mom! IT is appreciated because our
apartment is FREEZING at night!!!!

Wish there was more to report, but that is about it!

I love you all!

Stay awesome, and have a good New Years!

Hermana Courtney Miller

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone has a blessed day!

Ojai is doing great. We saw so many miracles this week! We were able
to find one of our investigators that we had not been able to find for
a few weeks, and had an awesome lesson with him. We were also able to
find a couple of former investigators who seem interested, and invited
us back, so we are looking forward to working with them. Ojai is just
such an awesome area. There is so much work here. (Sometimes it is a
little hidden, but when we look for it, we are blessed an hundred
fold.) We are really excited for Christmas Eve and Christmas. We have
quick appointments set up with almost every one of our investigators
and less actives those days, and it will be great to share a part of
this wonderful holiday with them.
Went to the cross in Ventura last week with our District. It was so
much fun, and SO BEAUTIFUL.

The view from the Cross

Us and the Ojai Elders on Elder Jensens last night in the mission. He is a riot.

Hermana Zarate is doing awesome. As always. I love her so much. This
week we found out just how allergic to mushrooms she is. She has known
she was allergic since she was little, so she never eats them. We have
been given pizza with them on before, and if she picked them off it
was fine. Well this week, we were eating out with some members, and we
ordered a soup that had mushrooms in it. They were pretty easy to pick
out, so we figured, that like the pizza, she would be fine. She
wasn't. It turned in to a crazy night of going to get bennydryl, and a
pretty serious allergic reaction. It was actually pretty terrifying.
There was talk of going to the ER. The Elders came up from Ventura to
give her a blessing, which we were so grateful for. They gave her a
beautiful blessing of healing, and she instantly felt better. It was a
neat experience. She doesn't really remember anything from that night,
which is a bummer, because we had some really funny conversations. We
will just call it blackmail.

Frosting Cookies for DAYS

We had the chance this week to do a lot of service. One miracle was a
new investigator named Renee. She just moved here from Pismo beach,
where she had been investigating on and off for quite some time. We
had tried to get ahold of her mulitple times since she had gotten to
Ojai, but had never been able to find her. Wednesday, one of our
appointments fell through, so we decided to go and visit her. We had
just walked up to the door, not even knocked, when she opened the
door, and said, "I can't believe your here. I need your help. I was
just about to call you." It turned out that she had to have the last
UHAUL of her stuff unloaded that day. We were able to call the elders,
and get it all done. She was so grateful. After the Elders left, we
were able to stay for a little bit and help with some other things,
and talk a lot about religion and God. She was such a miracle. We are
going to be going back on Christmas to share a message, and we are so
excited about the potential she has. We were also able to do service
for a few other investigators, and it was so awesome to get those
opportunities to help build that trust and love. I love service!

Elder Jensen made us Perogis (sp?) for a goodbye gift. We ate them.
All. They were so flipping delicious!

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas! I have a lot of pictures to

send this week, so be prepared!